Whether it's arson or an act of God, the Canadian forrest fires are choking us. No matter how you slice it, it's a convenient circumstance (from the conservative perspective) for the Trudeau government because it supports their climate change dogma; never the less he's desperate for help from opposition. That's a terrible thought, but we're talking about weak-scruples, not genuine concern for citizens. The house of commons is not a debate, it's a shoving match for airtime to massage voter's expectations without resolutions or concession. Citizens must accept thanks to repeating history, your votes are not accountable; because votes admonish citizen's performing accountability themselves (out of a oneway convenience). The fire is so severe and immediate that it cannot be ignored; even the projections that Canadian mortgages will default en masse by 2027. Maybe there's a time and place for addressing inflation given the news, but we all know those tortured with the "concept" of climate change (being an actionable mandate) has never reversed the negative or positive effects of a historical trend. It's eco-evangelicalism by experts who need funding. Tithing. A tithe is a one-tenth part of something, paid as a contribution to a religious organization or compulsory tax to government. The precedent to secure our survival (by cleaning a dirty conscience) is not exclusive to God. If insects are predictable, why not humans? A leader's truth is a personal journey towards preaching against their own denial. By overpromising, politicians cash in their pristinely crafted track records with hypocrisy. Is that moral? Does a leader's needs BALANCE; with addressing CITIZENS? Or does it balance by suiting their own legacy? That's principally true with Trudeau's pride because he has to stay on message to avoid a hidden past. We all have things to hide. That's predictable. Why shouldn't leaders suffer with the rest of us. Oh wait...you have a contract to retard the nation into a herd of natural resources. Human's are meat. Harvest the precious resources, and humans will adopt cannibalism out of government's bad policy. Remember, in the 1900's, 10 million people died of famine under communist rule. Some people bartered their babies for meat. Is that more likely under Trudeau or Poilievre? Economic collapse...or environmental collapse. Which does it hurt your conscience? That is our living on earth (as humans) accept evangelism. I'm starting to wish I was a dog, because maybe humanity is not the apex. I mean it is, but maybe that's not ideal. Maybe our food lives a better life knowing it's stable. Give. Take. Give. Take. Give. Take. Take. Take. Mine. You are my property. To leaders, people are property. I can burn what I want, because I'm a prince. Poilievre's master or Trudeau's? Come on. Clear your conscience by stabilizing with fairness. The crisis' must kiss. Scratch each other's back. Who is the leader? I nominate Pierre Poilievre to pucker UP to Trudeau for the sake of ACTION. That's a future PM looking at the bigger picture. We must all acknowledge that broken paths cross roads. That's predictable. Property is predictable. When does staying on message become a liability? Whether you lose your house to the fire, or to the bank, how do Canadians choose what to fear? Trudeau painted Canada into a corner with a decade of bad faith and policy. Now the unforeseen happens to pose a greater immediate threat than financial ruin, the Poilievre wishing to accuse the liberals of foul play without a smoking gun. I know I do. Most forrest fires are man made. See for yourself. If you believe the government isn't capable of this, I don't know what to do for you. Regardless, the fire must take precedence, and the consequences Conservatives are parading will play out as planned by global elites. Remember, political opposition is a two-headed snake. In Canada it's a three-headed snake laying eggs from one source: evil. An evil enemy, will burn his own nation to the ground to rule over the ashes.” -Sun Tzu "Evil has many puppets." -John Ralph Tuccitto
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