I voted for Justin Trudeau in 2015, but I never re-elected him. I’m a liberal, straight, white, biological male dad who holds tyrannical voters accountable when they project THEIR intrusive values upon ME. Libtards and Contards are transient forces that must deliver balance FOR THE VAST MAJORITY…NOT the fringes. The delusional deny immutable flaw with Liberalism, and conspiracists deny immutable flaw with Conservatism. What is immutable flaw? Ask a veteran. I salute a category of Canadian that fought for this material BLIP citizens retard with politics, doubt, and mental illness. I salute veterans. Want an education into politics? Elect a weak leader. Trudeau prostitutes Canada to globalist interests proudly with a handsome handicap: PRIDE. Pride has become a handicap not a virtue. I salute the POPPY representing a category of Canadian that infects the heroically-fragile’s entitled-intolerance BEYOND the grave. I’ll say this, Canada was built on immigration, but I say viscosity NOT diversity. I don’t care if you were born here or entered illegally. I don’t care if you’re a Medical Doctor, a Pastor or a Magick practitioner. I don’t care what colour your skin. But if you reside in Canada and intend to re-elect Justin Trudeau…objectively …you are a tyrannical traitor. Deport these libtards because THEY have ruined this country with their GROSS mental illness. So long as I breathe, I will preach to my children what truly occurs as they are my jurisdiction as a father. What’s occurring today? The tide has turned. Time for Canadian CONTARDS to right the ship, but...when Pierre Poilievre wins a majority you must disband…so the peaceful moderates (on all sides) can run the economy; networked by love and common sense, living within means.
Temptation + Debt = Inflation I’m the “Umpire Choir.” https://www.brainsmithy.com/warning.html
(opens new window) https://www.sardonicpoet.com/the-african-shadow.html
(opens new window) Delusional people deny immutable flaw with liberalism. Conspiratorial people deny immutable flaw with conservatism. The high wire hugs inconvenient truth with DIVERSITY perspectives. A diverse perspective guarantees the truth is lost in “opportunity.” That means history is NOT a sacred tool to reveal reality as it was, but as the generational wealth which benefits the author’s disciples (i.e., grifting & racism). I’m just a dad in Georgetown, trying to figure shit out so predators CAN’T access my pre-adults. Unfortunately, even Christians can be predators with their doctrine. That overwhelming pressure to appease snaps coward’s confidence with the guilt of PIOUS DOUBT. Atheist’s pious doubt is a faith in the soulless BLIP validated by predatory opportunists. Shell shock lowers standards with “educated” acronyms.
Burning the Canadian flag is the LAST FUCKING STRAW Wife. You want third world problems for our kids? I give out third world solutions. I’m going to completely dismantle the chain of organized provocateurs. There is no news, there is only gas-lighting Public Relations funded by Central Banks looking to make examples of the dissidents (me and eventually you) that bursts through the veil of obedience irritating the gun toting pensioners who exclusively police PATRIOTS. I say, Georgetown is DONE unless we celebrate COPS duty to their salary. Don’t make a racist right. This is the truth: Viscosity...NOT...diversity. Diversity fractures culture into classes that take advantage of “whites” through underground education into gaming the Canadian system; designed to encourage retarded-inbreds which are incestuous-pedophiles that vote like they’re dating government for life. The corrective raping of white women and children confuse gender with virtue WORTHY of casting obedience through worthless DEI scholarships. Henceforth: Privately funded PhD’s in Communistic provocation. Pride is a handicap in needing of asylum, because it makes the population untenable; PR setting up the narratives that sensitivity is violence which doesn’t require evidence to change the laws that gun-toting pensioners can protect leaches, that BURN Canadian flags. Terrorists HATE police, you dumb libtard FUCK! Do you understand? When terrorists call cops racist, and they comply...that is cultural suicide syndrome. A cop’s jurisdiction. Fuck Trudeau and the people that re-elect him! I voted for Trudeau in 2015, but I NEVER re-elected him. Legalizing weed converted libtards into to CONTARDS! DIVERSITY IS OUR STRENGTH! Diversity prioritizes abroad, to SCREW locals living on the streets, while mass-illegals get free housing, monetary, and political allowances. It’s about fucking the people THEY hate only HERE instead of THERE... with delusion and conspiratorial taxes and ideology. That law is the diversity of obedience! If love is an immoral paradise, then Jesus is inconvenient love. That’s the mirror of an overly clingy narcissist. Thank GOD we’re not Jesus because HE... spent three days in hell to appease the victims of divine hubris of immoral paradise, HE had to atone for what was NOT SEXY. Enabling sin. If you love Georgetown, why would you think that’s racist? Aren’t you a Georgie like me? Love see’s crime before colour. Cowardice sacrifices family. EXPORT leaches that shit in our streets.
Libtards have blood on their hands. Don’t worry, I used to be one. I voted for Trudeau in 2015. Then I turned into a “Contard.” Now, I just want to go to heaven. COVID was milking the intrusive value of man’s perpetual emotion. Is music MUSIC...if you HATE the song? Jesus is not a musician...musicians have an OATH to OVERCOME their talents for sorcery. Jesus is too cool for that shit. He plays like a drunken asshole abusing instruments-raining fire in our ears. My house was marked through ACTUAL Google Maps. Google.com in Canada.
I'll document the sublties of my Political Compass here. A contrarian-eureka ultimately proves one's testimony is between self and God. My psychosis is looked upon (by atheists) like it's responsible for MY delusions and conspiracies. No fucking shit. Notice the HEROIC fragility I display here. I open myself up for criticism because I have no interest in beleiveing lies. The contrarian-eurekas are a consequence of dueling minds contrasting with gross ignorance. The outcome of that exchange will encourage learning (how to retreat). Heroic fragility... guides our political denial of immutable flaw. Through the excuses we allow, fragile egos fortify with numbers. Silent sympathies are perpetually...sympathetic...to the truth that lies between liars. It appears that you have shared an image depicting a political compass and a description of your philosophical viewpoint. Here’s a structured explanation based on the provided content: Political Compass Diagram
In response to NDP's plan to decriminalize drugs in Canada. The "victim" should be blocked access until they can settle down.
This "critical thinker" blocked me after he posted this. I can't even like it because he or it requested to block that functionality. Not even a compliment. Sounds closeminded to me. Maybe the last thing Aiden would have expected was a compliment... given I'm contrary Aiden's victoomhood fuels his "lost puppy syndrome." Hence the block to set HIS limits. Avoid regret. At least Aiden learnt that his luck excuses his or it's selfishness and cowardace of MY contrarian eurekas. I'm contrarian to both doubt and facts AS their distortions of truth volley back and forth across the line we don't cross politically.
John Ralph TuccittoCanadian Politics with your host "Umpire Choir." Archives
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